
 Riccione, Easter 2000

The perfuming of a city in conjunction with shows or exhibitions, or simply as an event in itself presents no real technical problems. We can perfume streets, squares, and buildings, both internally and externally, to create a perfumed cloudburst or even a perfumed fountain.

This event in Riccione was based around a series of displays that looked at perfumes, aromatherapy, the psychology of perfumes and perfume therapy. 

The scented trail of aromatherapy  

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Diffusers in Viale Ceccarini

 (Double click the photos to enlarge)

The perfumes of aromatherapy scented Viale Ceccarini from dawn till dusk with the use of powerful diffusers. Each diffuser had a different aroma, compositions of essential oils designed as real “aromatherapy perfumes”. Their properties were explained to the public, written on the diffuser itself, and they were chosen for their curing effect on the season’s diseases, particularly on respiratory allergies.

The perfumed mini trains

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Perfumed mini trains

These tourist trains, armed with scent guns, leave behind them a delicious perfume trail as they go around the town. The essences chosen for the trains were those that are welcoming and familiar. Thus making the visitor feel welcome and at home.  

The perfume therapy exhibition

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Perfume therapy exhibition

The marquee offers the visitor the chance to smell up to 17 different perfumes (including Ylang-ylang, vetiver, patchouli, rose,  real musk and ambergris) in their diffusers and even to try them (except the last two), thanks to the spray bottles made available. The essences chosen represent a wide range of psychosomatic curing effects. Explanations of the effects of each of the essences are clearly explained and this allows the visitors to understand the reasons why their nose prefers certain smells to others, or in other words, to make their own olfactory diagnosis.ich one they prefer. The explanations given both inside and outside every perfume booth help to explain the significance of the perfumes and allow the visitors to discover the psychology of their own sense of smell depending on their choice of perfume.

The available sprays inside the booths invite the visitor to freely spray himself with his preferred fragrance.This ‘try and see self service’ system is a tried and tested technique used in creating olfactory sceneries, in order to spread perfumes far away from their source by encouraging people to wear them, using them as voluntary perfume diffusers. In effect over 120 000 doses were sprayed during the 10 days of the show. Enough to make of Riccione the most perfumed city of the word for that period.

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 Soul perfumes booths

The Soul perfume booths were perfumed by their own diffuser (see the upper corner in the booth), a large painting represents each aroma and a text describing its psychological effects is also exposed.

The visitors can enter all the booths and breathe the fragrances. That allows them to decide easily which one they prefer. The explanations given both inside and outside in every perfume booth help to explain the significance of the perfumes and allow the visitors to discover the psychology of their own sense of smell depending on their choice of perfume.

The available sprays inside the booths invite the visitor to freely spray himself with his preferred fragrance. This ‘try and see self-service’ system is a tried and tested technique used in creating olfactory sceneries, in order to spread perfumes far away from their source by encouraging people to wear them, using them as voluntary perfume diffusers. In effect over 120.000 doses were sprayed during the 10 days of the show. Enough to make Riccione the most perfumed city of the word for that period.

See also

Olfactory scenographies